'Capacity Part - 1 | Class 5: Measurement of Capacity | 5th std Maths Syllabus | Mathematics'

'Capacity Part - 1 | Class 5: Measurement of Capacity | 5th std Maths Syllabus | Mathematics'
20:33 Jun 20, 2023
'Capacity Part - 1 | Class 5: Measurement of Capacity | 5th std Maths Syllabus | Mathematics  For more videos visit : http://pebblestv.com/  To watch the rest of the videos buy this DVD at http://www.pebbles.in  ************************************* About Our Channel  Dove Multimedia Pvt Ltd a lead player since 1996 , a wide array of CD\'s & DVDs under the brand name \"PEBBLES\".  We believe in EDUTAINMENT, ANIMATED RHYMES and STORIES. Our CD\'s and DVDs are available in English and all Indian languages!  *************************************  Engage with us on Facebook at : https://goo.gl/54Fa8H Google+: https://goo.gl/QoVepw  Please Like, Share, Comment & Subscribe' 

Tags: school , education , Learning , Tamil nadu , capacity , maths , class 5 , Pebbles live , samacheer kalvi , measurement of capacity , Samacheer 5th std , samacheer , semacheer , Tn samacheer , Tamilnadu syllabus , samacheer subject , samacheer syllabus , 5th std English , The Nightingale of India , Types of Sentences , Samacheer 5th std Maths

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